domenica 19 agosto 2012

#OccupyTwitter : proteste per le nuove regole di twitter - a Quinta 's ...

Twitter Changes Lead to Online Protests -

...“Twitter looks a lot like the big star who forgot about all the little guys that helped it get to the top,” Rafe Colburn, an engineer at Etsy, wrote in a blog post.

The influential Instapaper creator Marco Arment was more direct in his criticism: “Twitter has proven to be unstable and unpredictable and any assurances they give about whether something will be permitted in the future have zero credibility. I sure as hell wouldn’t build a business on Twitter.”

...“This morning Twitter feels like your favourite band that has sold out to a major record label,” wrote Ewan Spence, a contributor to

...“Twitter, what kind of bird are you becoming? Are you still that cute little bird that everyone loved, or are you becoming a scary bird of prey?” wrote Nova Spivack, the chief executive of the start-up, who compelled people to sign his petition, #OccupyTwitter.

ed ecco la ragione convincente...

Many described Twitter’s changes as inevitable, particularly as the company struggles to find a viable business model. Twitter has experimented with various revenue streams like sponsored tweets and advertising. But its revenue — eMarketer estimates Twitter will make $260 million this year — pales in comparison to that of Facebook, which generated a substantial chunk of its $3.7 billion in revenue last year from its profit-sharing arrangement with third-party apps like Zynga.

il punto è che è un servizio notevole, ma che non ha un modello di ricavi convincente.

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